Our last official family picture!!
We had a great evening with the Sanders who had us over for dinner! It was a fun way to fellowship with them before leaving for Africa! We began this journey with them 2 years ago "un-officially" when we began discussing adoption with them on a boat trip! One year later we put our wheels in motion and BAM here we are!!

The rest of my evening was pretty much this......

I have been a bit emotion-less over the last couple of weeks. It is the weirdest feeling....you can picture the boys in your arms and the softness of their hair against your chin ..yet at the same time it is a complete unknown. I am SO excited about meeting 2 of my children yet sad for leaving the other 3. Well tonight at Wal-mart it hit me! I told Carson he could pick a fruit snack out for the boys and BAM...waterworks!!! Right in the Wally World aisle! It has hit a few more times sporadically since too!
I am so excited for you! I hope you have a wonderful and smooth trip. Enjoy those georgeous boys!
Gin =)
Thank you for not mentioning the ADS PAP with the last minute item who came to your house the day before you left then locked her keys in her car while you were trying to pack...what a crazy! Hope you trip is going well - we are praying for you guys!!!
Carree :-)
We will be praying for you and the boys. Hope you have the most amazing trip. Enjoy every minute of it.
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