Thursday, May 22, 2008

I love the kids prayers and I always want to write them down, but usually forget. I guess I could write my own Dr.God book! So here is the latest that I actually remembered!

~~Carsons prayer, and he had been in trouble a teeny bit that day. ~~

Dear God, Please help me to be the best boy in the whole world....because I was not very good today....but I am the smartest boy in the whole world..(he pauses and thinks) ..yes, I believe that I am the smartest boy in the world. And please pray for my brothers (positive thinking, that he is getting 2 brothers and no more sisters!!) that they are okay until I get there for them...please don't them get sick....please let them be happy until I get them. Thank you God for my brothers. Amen

Madelyn has a steady prayer that goes like this : Dear God, Thank you everyone in the whole world. Amen
She has done this one verbatim for months. When I say that we need to pray for your brothers or bubby etc...she says I did! I prayed for everyone in the world!


Unknown said...

You definitely need to keep a notebook of those! :)

Anonymous said...

OH, my! That's precious!