Thursday, February 4, 2010

I thought it would be good to include a bit of the Maynard slang, just in case you ever wonder what is being said over here!

Snowmen-used by Cam & Linc meaning: snow
used in a sentence: Look mom I step on snowman, I pick up snowman, I throw snowman....lots of snowmans mom.

Lookwhat - used by Cam
A combination of "Guess What" and "Look"!
used in a sentence: Lookwhat mom, lookwhat I cleaned up my toys.

Amnesium -used by Carson & Maddie (Amnesia)

Epiopia - used by Annie (Ethiopia)

"I like to movie, movie....I like to movie, movie"-sung by Camden instead of " I like to move it, move it....I like to move it, move it."

"mabeuy" - used by Lincoln
Interpretation: "mama's boy"

shinte- used by Lincoln
He still uses the Ethiopian word for pee-pee!

ka-ka-used by Lincoln (and the other children occasionally)
yeap still uses the Ethiopian word for poo-poo too!

Big brown -used today by cam for the first time when he saw a tall black man...he said "look mom he is brown like me, he is big brown...I am little brown"

"make my hair little"-used by camden when he wants a haircut!

waa- used by Lincoln Interpretation-water

Fweet tea-Used by Camden Interpretation: Sweet Tea

Jonifer Brothers- Used by Annie Interpretation: Jonas brothers

Vawentibes Day - used by Annie...I am sure you can guess!!

that is all I can think of right now...more to come I am sure!


Teaque said...

so funny!

Unknown said...

these are cute, Bethany. Ben still says, "turn up the valium, Mom!" meaning "volume." Most days, I'd rather turn up the valium ;)