Tuesday, June 3, 2008

This is really a HAPPY day!!!!

Okay where do I start...?? I talked to our agency today, and..............

She is going to Ethiopia next Wednesday. This means she will see my children, hug my children and FIND my children!!! So please pray that our children are there and released (paper ready for adoption)...please pray for Susan and her safe travel.

They are actually opening the third orphanage (which is great but equally sad that our agency had 1 orphange earlier this year and the need is so great that they need more) so she is in need of so many things to be donated (more on that when she returns-if anyone wants to help).

Please pray for two babies that she mentioned may not make it, she is taking special formula over to them..but it may be too late.
She mentioned the brothers she told me of before and the youngest is still not released.

So here is the "make your heart stop" part! Susan has told us there is a possible way for us to get our children this SUMMER. The courts close the end of July and for all of August. So if everything goes EXTREMELY PERFECT (Via GOD of course) we could pick them up before courts close...if not we are definitly looking at September or October.

So the second most equally cool part is that we get to send care packages with Susan!! This is the closest I have gotten to thinking , loving and buying a few items for OUR children!! AGHGHHG!!!! Paul and I have been grinning all night!! I know I can send a photo album, a tee-shirt, a toy.....so we can not wait to shoop for little ones yet!!

Oh almost forgot, a proffesional photographer is travling with her! So we should get some really great pictures of our "babies".


Teaque said...

AHHHHHHHHH - super exciting stuff!!! this summer holy cow girl!!!! I wanna help with care package stuff - let me know what i can do!! so excited for you all!!

Unknown said...

Very exciting!

Around the World said...

I'm glad you found my blog - we'll have to meet sometime!! The Highvew family is so big and it will be great for us to keep in touch when we get our children home.

What campus do you all attend? we attend the East Campus (although I work at Fegenbush at Whitefield).

Keep in touch and I'm going to bookmark your blog on my blog right now!


PS can't wait for Susan to return....