Friday, June 27, 2008

Okay my husband is trying to send me to an early grave (which is not the smartest thing to do since he will be left with all the kiddos!!)

So we (ahem he) buys us a place at the lake 2 years ago. Well, turns out we are allergic to something in the place. Plus we are so busy we are only making it down like once a month and it is just not worth it because there is so much upkeep when you are there. So he has decided to sell it.

So we bought a piece of land last year to build our dream house on...well guess what it is now cheaper to buy than build. So we will get more for our money etc by buying.

So this brings me to the "trying to kill me" part. So we are trying to all three properties!! So he is at the lake fixing some things up and the girls and I stayed home. Our neighbors mother has been looking for a house on this street to buy and Paul walked down and told him about our house..etc. So she is in town today and walks down wanting to see it....AKAAKKAKKKKKK!!! My house has just never been "ready" on a moments notice to walk I ask her if she can come back in the morning. It is now after 1am and I just finished cleaning!!! I have mopped everything worked in closets etc! I am so sore and so sleepy!!

So why am I blogging because knowing someone wants your house makes YOU want your house!! In my head I am wondering if I want to spend more money for more house?!!? I am so spoiled here because we have 6 bedrooms (so I have a school room and a scrapbook room)and Paul has on office.

Plus do I want to deal with moving before the children arrive??? Also worried that it will be too much change for my bio kids?? Moving away from friends and getting new sibs! ALthough we have also considered that it would be a bit easier to begin over in a new house so that it doesn't feel like the adopted children are taking over the bio children rooms and space etc. It would be theirs from the start???

Hopefully a good nights rest will help!!! Night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good grief!!!!! I have no idea what would be best. We moved into our house the week before NAte (my second) was born and Evan adjusted extremely well. No probs at all. He was only 21 months old though! I have no idea how older ones would react. They may think it was really cool if they all got to pick out decor for their new room AND help decorate rooms for the new kiddos too. ????