Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Countdown to Christmas Day 1

Yesterday we began our advent activities. I pulled activities from several sources and the kids are really enjoying this part of our day. It is adding a good hour to our school day, but is so worth it! I pulled most of these ideas from Marcy, she is always a wealth of information so stop by her blog today! I am pairing parts of her list with a fun little book called Keeping CHRIST in Christmas for Kids by Donna and Nick Medendorp. Last but not least I ordered the Symbols of Christmas from Hands of a Child.

Day 1:
Activity: Making our advent countdown tree with green paint and kids hands! They always love paint on the hands! Each day we wil cover up each hand with an ornament, so by Christmas we will have a decorated tree!!
Reflection: Discussed "What is everlasting life?"
John 6:47 1Peter 2:24 John 3:16
Read Bible verses: Psalm 62 1-5, Isaiah 26:3, Isaiah 40:28-31, Hebrews 10:23
Word To Know: prophecy
Family Gift: Veggie Tales St.Nick

Carson puts the tree on day 1!
Lincoln was evidently quite bored with our activities!!

The "littles" watching the Veggie Tales St.Nick video. Funny thing is Carson originally said he was too old for this movie and has now watched it 3 times! The kids are so sad that St.Nicks parents died....they will not stop talking about it. It has really opened up good questions for the holidays. I asked Madelyn if she could tell me why the story of St. Nick and the giving of gifts are are all around the same time as Jesus' birthday. She answered with "Because when God sent his Son he sent us a gift, it was a perfect gift.We can't give perfect gifts, but we can still give the best gifts we can and that makes God happy!"
I loved her answer !

1 comment:

Mandy Marinopoulos said...

Wow! She is so wise beyond her years! I would have never come up with that answer myself! I will be using her words to explain it to my kids!