This year we have a new element to our school day. With Camden sitting in on our Kindergarten lessons with Annie, it leaves Lincoln all alone. When I found this
great blog and her idea of preschool trays...I knew we had to try it!
I found these colored trays/tubs/bins in the value bins at Target for $2.50.
So Lincoln has four trays to play with each school day. I quickly realized that I tell him when he can go to the next one. Otherwise he would zoom through them all in 10 minutes just to see what is next!
Here are three for this day (the fourth sits on his work table).
The blue tray has an activity from
Preschool Activity bags that we made in a swap with other moms this summer. I HIGHLY recommend purchasing this book and organizing a swap. For instance I made 15 identical bags with 14 other women. After the swap I went home with 15 different bags! The kids love them! (even my 2nd grader!)
The red tray was simple yet most likely the favorite! A paint dauber and piece of paper!!!Whoohoo!
The green tray was another Preschool Activity was plastic straws cut up in little pieces with pipecleaners, string, lanyard etc for stringing!

The blue tray was a grid of stickers (laminated) and then there were cards with the matching sticker. Linc played this for over 45 minutes!

The fourth tray this day was simply a collection of Trio (Lego style blocks).
I try to keep two trays an open-ended activity with no wrong or right or end result.
I could go into more detail but seriously
she explains it so well...and in so much detail just go over and peruse her site!! (You will NOt be sorry!)
The only problem with the trays is that the older kids all want a turn!!! So when they finish all of their work...they get a turn!!