Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fun stuff!

Before I begin this post I think I need to tell you the names of the boys we are adopting. Originally I thought we were not supposed to give out that information. But is seems everyone else does and it is so much easier than calling them fake names or "the older one" and "younger one"!
So the older boy is Yesak, this is pronounced E-Sock (we think!) we have also been given a few spellings variations. Again he is about 3 1/2 years old.
The younger boy is Yohannis. He is about 2 years old now.
We will be giving the boys "American" first names, while keeping their African names as middle names. We have heard from many "experts" that the boys need "normal" names so that they do not have to tell their story everywhere they go and so they can feel a bit more "normal"!

So Paul ordered this for Yesak! It is especially sweet because Paul does not buy the children ANYTHING! I think he ordered Carson a jersey once but never anything for the girls. So anyway it was a big deal! Paul also orders me an ornament evey year with all of our names on it. This year he said we must have outgrown ornaments because he had to order the stand up/plaque thingy! He also was proud of himself for not ordering the snowman version as snowmen are white!!
I got these in the mail this week!! I ordered them from a booth at the Gift and Craft Expo at the fairgrounds. The booth offered other products and I asked her if she could do these on special order! So each child has a shirt with Africa on it and a little heart is stitched onto Ethiopia!

Look what else I got this week! Jody has been organizing the sell of these bags from a young man named Sheku who makes the bags in Africa. I have been on the waiting list for a month or so, which makes the arrival so much more appreciated!! I originally was planning on using it as a diaper bag...but it is so beautiful I don't think I can wait!! Email Jody if you want one!!

Here is the stack of clothes we grabbed on the clearance rack ot Kohls! I hope we pass court so that the will be home in time to use winter clothing!! We have been afraid not to get stuff now though, next week swimsuits will probably be out!!


Beth said...

Love the africa shirts. I was going to put a very creative friend on the matching t-shirts for the trip home/airport arrival and see what she may come up with.
Between wondering what size they will be and when they are coming home we have not bought any clothes for our boys except heavy winter coats -- which now that we are estimating at least April I need to take back. I need to get the one size fits all stuff done first -- like four sets of bedding for the new bunk beds, painting the bedroom, and otherwise getting the room ready for them. (Have you finished your boys room? -- you need to put up a all done picture.) My mother did get backpacks full of little travel goodies for the boys for Christmas and my sister made little name tags for the bags. It was a very special gift to me.

Amber said...

such a cute post. lovely to see all the goodies you have collected but the best ones are yet to come!!

ps- i love the snowman comments :0)

Anonymous said...

Those Africa shirts are darling!

And yes, it's odd that having 7 children didn't send you through the roof. My three are about to rocket me straight on through! ;)